
This is my last blog, I am going to miss The Writing Web. I will be adding many pictures of Frankie this time. He is doing great, but still being cheeky. He is a thief. Despite being a thief, he is cute and fluffy! I will miss blogging, when I move to secondary...

Top Ten Sports

Top Ten Sports Lots of people spend their time playing sports. it means a lot to us humans . We have the Olympics,where athletes train their absolute hardest for one shot at their dreams, and in England people stay up till midnight watching football and going nuts...

Top Ten Hobbies

Top Ten Hobbies We all like chilling out and doing stuff every now and again but different people do it to others. Some people call these hobbies and here are my Top Ten hobbies. Tell me what you do down below. 1.Reading :Takes you to places you haven’t even imagined...

Top Eleven Books

I love reading ,but one thing that I’ve noticed is that some people find it really hard to find good books. I’m here to help those people out and share some of my favorite books and their authors.Please tell me if you have read any of these books ,or if...

Top Ten Foods

Hi guys,I’m back with my top ten favourite foods. 1.Nachos 2.Bonoffee Pie 3.Eton Mess 4.Lolly Cake 5.Pinyata Cake 6.Trifle 7.Rocky Road 8.Fondu 9.Macoroni Cheese 10.Raclette These are my favourites comment down below what your favourite food...