by WriterT | Jun 21, 2019 | My Top 10s, Sport
Top Ten Sports Lots of people spend their time playing sports. it means a lot to us humans . We have the Olympics,where athletes train their absolute hardest for one shot at their dreams, and in England people stay up till midnight watching football and going nuts...
by WriterN | Jun 20, 2019 | Food
mini apple crumble- makes 2 1 cup spice cake mix 2 tbsp melted butter 1 apple method mix the butter and cake mix together to get a crumbly texture cut the apple in half, then thinly slice the halves lay out the apples in a mini skillet sprinkle the cake mix on top...
by WriterT | Jun 20, 2019 | My Top 10s
Top Ten Hobbies We all like chilling out and doing stuff every now and again but different people do it to others. Some people call these hobbies and here are my Top Ten hobbies. Tell me what you do down below. 1.Reading :Takes you to places you haven’t even imagined...
by Booklover2013 | Jun 18, 2019 | #WritersByNight, Fiction
Based on a childhood story… Mr Dinner was a small purple bear. He was furry and cute, and he travelled the country as part of his job in the civil service, but there was another side to Mr Dinner… One day, Mr Dinner was attending a conference by the seaside, and he...
by nicola | Jun 18, 2019 | Fiction, The Writing Web
I visited one of The Writing Web creative writing groups a couple of weeks ago and PickledGherkins challenged us all to create a story outline, which we shared with the rest of the group. I loved my visit and would like to share the first part of my story here, where...