“Miss, why do you always wear different coloured socks.” “Why indeed! It’s because of the sock thief, Adam.” First, the socks go into the washing basket. Then, they are loaded into the washing machine. Next, they are unloaded into the dryer, and finally, into the...

Regardless of God

It was time to head back home. The walk with the kids at the nature reserve had been a little respite. Beautiful trees and birds, a change from lockdown telly and squabbles as we traipsed through the forest in search of a stone statue of a Green Knight which was...

Rwy’n Gartref

A poem written during the covid 19 lockdown when I was unable to visit my elderly, vulnerable parents and my childhood home. Imagining the day that I would be able to make that journey and shout ‘Rwy’n Gartfef!’ (I’m Home!) as I walked through...

SURVIVING GLASTO – By Felecity Ferguson

I came very late to Glastonbury. I wasn’t there in the seventies, though that would have been ideal since I had freedom, a leaning towards pseudo-hippydom, and was a seasoned camper. Both the eighties and the nineties were marked for me by new family responsibilities...