They Forgot Me

There was a Boy the name of the Boy was Daniel. His Dad and Mam were so funny and kind. They  helped him in maths and told some jokes. His Dad and mam took the aeroplane for business to New York but they forgot him he was lonely because nobody was in the house But he...


I love Spiderman because he is a great marvel person like Andrew

Memes, Trends and Gaming News – number 1

The meme news at the moment is app store is lying we all know Minecraft is the best but other good games are dead. So yes it will say these bad idle tycoons Our best trending memes fresh for today are here for you: 10. area 51 9. tiktok 8. minecraft hacks 7. gifs 6....

YT Channel!

  My YouTube Channel! Hi! I know this blog is not about Trains but a YouTube Blog! Ok so enjoy reading my blog even though some of you don’t. If you like it you lt and if you don’t you don’t. My YouTube channel is named Tammer PlayzGamesHD and on my channel I do...