by nicola | Sep 30, 2020 | #WritingRocks
This month’s chat was based on Dr Murray Gadd’s paper, What does an Effective Teacher of Writing Do that Makes a Difference to Student Achievement? BIG thanks for your contributions: @one_to_read @sam_creighton @lit4pleasure @ImposSynteacher @TobiasHayden...
by nicola | Sep 20, 2020 | #WritersByNight, Fiction
There is so much writing inspiration to be found in the everyday; things that lie doormat until one day they become useful in our writing lives. This morning on Twitter, Mathew Tobin shared a carefully crafted sign his five-year-old son had made: Warning. The sign...
by RossYoung | Sep 17, 2020 | #WritersByNight
Regards I received an email today. From a stranger. She sent me her regards. And I wondered – not your best regards? She must be saving her very best regards for someone else I thought. But would it have killed her to at least send me some kind regards –...