A long time ago there was a guy named Zeke and his friends, who you will get to know early in this story. Zeke’s goal was to be the strongest and most powerful man in the world along with his four friends.
So, this is how the story began in Damston Village where the children who would become Zeke’s friends all lived. The villagers heard a terrifying noise of someone screaming coming from the sky. They looked up and saw a boy wearing a hoodie and sandals falling silently. He smashed into the ground. The villagers all thought he was dead but surprisingly he was alive. He was stood up and started to walk casually towards the shops, like nothing had happened.
The villagers were all in shock, because they had never seen such a thing. The leader of Damston Village asked, “What’s your name? State your age.”
Zeke told him his name and that he was eleven. He explained that he had special abilities: he could copy other people’s superpowers. For example, he copied a guy who was invincible and that was useful since it prevented him from getting injured. But the guy didn’t die because Zeke never killed people, even if they were evil.
Zeke’s first ability, which he had had since he was five, was to make and spawn ice. If he used it too much parts of his body would freeze. He could also turn objects to ice and keep moving at the same time but over time, his body would take in the cold making things difficult for him.
While Zeke was explaining, he was transported to some kind of arena filled with many people. It looked like some kind of lobby and in the top corner of it was a speaker controlled by itself that announced the rules. “You will have to be the last one standing to win and leave the game. There will mostly be 1v1s, sometimes there will be a free for all.”
The first match was called: Zeke vs Tyrone. Zeke had no idea who Tyrone was! Still they came face to face in the arena to fight it out in a game called The Strongest Battleground. The match started with Zeke and Tyrone both launching at each other. Tyrone could use barriers and put them against his body but Zeke still overpowered him and won!
He was sent to the lobby, where he met a guy named Kai, who had seen Zeke’s match against Tyrone and congratulated him.
“Thanks,” said Zeke, “What’s your name?”
Kai told him and then he started acting like a goofa. He asked Zeke if he wanted to team up to win, he explained that there could be only three winners. So they had to win.
Another guy overheard their conversation and said he would like to team up with them too. His name was Kali and he offered to practise with them 1v1, where no one would be eliminated from the game. So, Zeke and Kali started fighting. Kali randomly levitated a boulder and threw it towards Zeke, who ducked under it and dashed towards him. Kali began to raise parts of the floor and jump between these new platforms. He started levitating even higher to avoid Zeke. Then when Zeke had chased him high enough, Kali made the gravity pressure really high so he fell like a legit rock. Kali laughed at him, “That was too funny lil bro.”
Zeke tried to laugh but because of the gravity pressure, he turned the floor to ice and sided out the gravity pressure point. Kali made the gravity flow so he could fly, then picked up large rocks and launched them at Zeke. Of course, he froze the rocks and created an ice sword and javelin from them. Zeke shot Kali with them, which meant he won the practice round and was awarded some gold points. This meant he could upgrade his ice power and also get more protection.
There was a boy watching the practice match called Rico. He was really funny but there was no time for jokes, because it was time for the game mode wheel to spin. It span really fast, landing on Free for All, so Kai, Zeke, Kali and their new friend Rico teamed up. They managed to jump a lot of people, including a really strong guy. No one knew his name but he was some kind of knight with a dark purple aura around him as if the aura was controlling his armour. He summoned a black hole and everyone in the arena was sucked into it.
They were transported to a dark world where they were sent into one of the deepest places in space. So, Zeke and his friends started to fight the strong guy with the unknown name. Between them they called him Vortex Guy but not to his face! Zeke made some ice gauntlets, whilst Kali picked up a chunk of rock and changed the gravity pressure so it was light and floated. Kali told all of them to climb on it. Zeke was first and when he reached a decent height he jumped down and down slammed the Vortex Guy. Kali crushed Vortex Guy’s hand and seemed surprised that this created over a thousand portals. They travelled through all of them, which meant Zeke had no idea where they were any more.
Zeke finally predicted where Kali might be, plucking him from the sky and trying to hold on to him but he couldn’t. The Vortex Guy was so fast he dashed behind Kali, as he was about to touch the ground. He started to laugh and giggle as he knocked Kali out. Zeke couldn’t move. He wanted to save Kali more than anything but he couldn’t. The Vortex Guy grabbed Kali and looked straight at Zeke laughing, “See ya!” as he slipped into the portal just as it was closing.
Zeke saw grass and believed he was in the real world. He was selected for a game mode 1v1 and his opponent was a guy named Mari, who stared at Zeke for a bit with a serious look. Somehow he looked familiar but Zeke couldn’t remember where he knew him from. With a quiet smile Mari threw a spear at Zeke and shouted the word, “Spark!” The spear was imbued with thunder and coming straight for Zeke but he dodged it easily. Mari teleported behind Zeke, he grabbed the spear and stabbed him. Zeke was no match for Mari, who was too fast for his instincts. Whilst he was wounded, the spear didn’t hit any of his vital organs. So, he touched the wound on the right of his chest, which stopped the bleeding. As it had not damaged his heart, Zeke was able to regenerate the skin and heal himself. Before he knew it, Mari was coming towards him at the speed of light, getting behind Zeke again and kicking him into the sky. Zeke saw his opponent looking up at him and heard the words, “Sorry this is the end.”
Zeke was covered in a thunder bubble, which shocked him. Mari summoned three massive pillars and he climbed on half way, he electrocuted Zeke with them. You see, the pillars were connected by an electric output, which turned them into a massive electric ball that grew bigger and bigger by the second. When Zeke glanced down the guy was no longer there. He looked back and saw the big ball that had grown bigger than the sun. Zeke saw Mari inside the ball and he repeated the words: “This is the end for you.” The things is, he looked different like it was his final form. His eyes were bright red and his hair floated and waved. Wearing an overly confident smile he asked, “Before you die, what’s your name?”
“Zeke,” I replied. He looked shocked and flung the ball down, where it crushed the ground and pushed and pulled Zeke apart. As he was falling, he held on to the electric ball and its voltage felt unbelievably high. He kept falling with the electric ball until he saw the core of the place or world he was in, So, now he knew he was not on Planet Earth, because there were huge crystals everywhere. They looked ginormous and Zeke saw Earth in the reflections of the crystals.
He jumped so high that he managed to reach the arena where he was matched against a fighter called Mari. ‘That name feels familiar,’ thought Zeke, realising that Mari was his best friend in the real world. They both decided to forfeit the match, so neither of them were taken out of the game. Zeke asked Mari what happened to people who lost in the match and he replied, “They’re sealed somewhere.”
“How do you know?”
Mari responded, “I can sense people’s aura and life force for one breath at a time, because it takes a lot of my energy.
Kai, Zeke and Mari went on a free for all – no one knew where Rico had disappeared to. They faced a guy who just did karate but he was really strong and could endure their attacks. He attempted to punch Zeke, who barely dogged and said, “Calm down.”
The guy grabbed Zeke mid doge and launched him into the sky. “Geez how are you so strong?” Zeke asked, as he launched up right beside him. But Mari flickered and defeated him with one blow. Of course, he disappeared like all of the people who lost. Many people lost but the round was finally over.
After a while, a giant monster came out of nowhere. The speaker told them they had to fight it. Everyone rushed towards the so called monster and noticed its eye open and a giant laser was charging up. When Zeke and the rest of them spotted this, they thought they were all doomed. Well, not all of them thought so. Some thought they could easily beat the monster. An old man approached them and said, “I’ve thought worse,” before teleporting them somewhere deep underground.
They overheard some unknown people saying, “I wouldn’t want to waste my energy on an easy target like that monster.” The old man dashed behind the monster and kicked and punched it. The monster knocked him away but the old man held on and did the fastest punches. There were other people who were stronger than the old man and everyone else in the group. It was possible to sense the old man’s aura but not the stronger ones’. They were just too strong.
With their help, the old man finished off the monster. This revealed a bunch of loot, including a powerful sword. Zeke could sense all of its energy and dashed towards it as fast as he could. As Zeke attempted to grab the sword, a person raced past him in a split second and took the sword. He sliced the air and knocked out some of the people. Then, one of the people who Zeke could somehow tell was that guy that Mari knocked out with ease took the sword and destroyed the arena they were in.
They all floated through space. Not just them, immediately everyone who had lost the match drifted into space. They approached a green emerald type of gate and they were all sucked into another portal. On the other side, they were greeted by Kalifa who said, “Yo where did you come from?”
Zeke said, “The tournament.”
“Oh yeah,” Kalifa replied.
Then all of Zeke’s other friends arrived. Rico had reappeared! “How long has it been since I was free?” he asked.
Kai said, “It’s been too long, right?”
“We can all agree on that one, Rico,” Mari said.
They laughed. Kalifa asked, “Who is this?”
Zeke replied, “Mari, my best friend since I was 5.”
Zeke had a flash back of him and Mari at five years old. They hadn’t developed any powers yet but their hidden talents had unimaginable possibilities. The multiple universes could be destroyed, so their parents pretended like they had no powers at all. So. they just did combat training together and played and explored and hunted together and came back to their home town, Sesay Village. Zeke chuckled to himself at the memory.
Suddenly the clouds turned the blue bright sky to grey. They spotted a man. Not any man but the old man from the village where Zeke fell. “Lol, what’s he doing over there?” Out of nowhere, he leaped and smashed into the ground causing a massive crater. Kalifa made them all float and helped the people who couldn’t fly. The old man from the village leapt up against and kicked them all with so much force that they ended up on Neptune! The old man teleported to join them, saying: “Show me what you’ve got!”
“Fine but don’t start crying when I beat you old man,” challenged Zeke, as his body started to glow and a massive blue aura engulfed his entire body. His arms started to create red energy. The old man was confused. Zeke stood still and he punched him without touching him. The old man was transported to another galaxy where he couldn’t feel anything. From his point of view, he was looking at Zeke and next thing he knew he was staring into the galaxy. The old man’s body tried to process what had happened.
Meanwhile, all of Zeke’s friends used their awakenings and were behind the old man and summoned the monster from the tournament. Since he was using his awakening his summon was a billion times stronger than usual and everyone came. The monster’s body created smoke and was making a screaming noise and yooo: it was the Void Guy wearing the skin of the old man on his face! He ripped it off. Zeke shouted, “There wasn’t any old man or leader, the village was fake and the old man was you all along!”
“Correct but not really,” explained the Void Guy.
[The Void Guy: Stop calling me the Void Guy just call me Inais.Author: Fine. Ok, Inais.]
Inais pulled Mari and slammed him to the ground. Inais threw Mari up to stomp on him, before creating a void and sucking them all in.
“What the ..?” said Rico.
“I don’t know,” said Kai. “We can still defeat him.”
“You think so?” Rico replied.
“Do you guys still not realise I haven’t turned my awakening on. The first and last time I used my awakening was over four thousand years ago,” declared Inais.
“Wait a minute. How old are you?” asked Kai
Inais replied, “I don’t know. I don’t keep count, probably nine thousand.”
Their jaws dropped.
MAXIMUM TARIQ stars started to rain down on them from all directions from a black hole, a massive black hole as big as the void they were in. Zeke reassured them, “I can stop it, one of my abilities is to cancel other people’s abilities but I take the damage. I have realised that my goal is to help others. So, now I’ll help you guys.”
“Zeke, what?! Are you going to kill yourself? Don’t! I can summon a giant barrier,” pleaded Rico.
“You can’t summon anything strong enough,” argued Kai. At least not for now. Bye!”
“NOOOO!!!” yelled Zeke.
Kai raised his hand out and absorbed a gust of wind that was flowing like crazy. The black hole was folding in on itself and when it entered Kai’s arm he looked at Kali and said, “Yo WAIT! he looks fine.” Then Kai’s body started to turn purple, he looked much skinnier before his body uploaded.”
Rico was thinking, ‘Since my awakening makes my summon stronger maybe I can summon Kai back. It’s worth a try.’ He ran towards Kai, while the others were still busy fighting. Rico tried to summon Kai but it wasn’t working or so Rico thought. In fact, Kai reformed but with a mark on his palm looking like the black hole because of what he had absorbed. Rico summoned three orbs and he grabbed one and threw it past Inais, who responded, “Was that meant to hit me, lil bro?!”
He threw the last two and he missed again, exclaiming: “HOLD ON WHAT THE…” and was cut off because he got sealed. Inais broke them with a sword.
Rico was confused. If his awakening gave him a boost, shouldn’t that even seal a universe or higher, if he wanted? This guy was no joke.
Kali interrupted his thoughts, “I think you may have forgotten that I control gravity and we’re in space. This is my domain, you’re finished!” he screamed at Inais, going to break the void.
“Wait! We should all use our strongest attacks and team combo him and he will surely lose. Then Rico can seal him,” reasoned Mari.
“Right,” Rico agreed, summoning a phoenix. The magnificent bird grasped hold of Inais in its beak and scraped him against the edge of the universe until it tore. Mari grabbed a spear full of electricity and pair of gauntlets imbued with thunder and threw the spear at Inais. The spear pierced Inais’s arm, launching him into the sky and electrocuting him. The spear multiplied into many thousands of spears and they all stabbed Inais from every direction.
Then Mari used a thunder bolt and threw it in the direction of Inais’s heart and it burst through his chest. Kali crushed Inais and held him still, before a massive meteor came crashing down on Inais. He couldn’t even move. He was being crushed inside his armour. Before he disappeared into a different universe.
A girl who had been watching them fighting approached Zeke, “Why are you fighting?
“He’s a bad guy.”
“Oh,” said the girl. “I can help then.” She gave Zeke a power boost.”
“What is this power? Is it even mine or yours?”
“It’s yours,” said the girl. “But I unlocked it for you, so you didn’t have to go through a lot of training.”
“Thank you,” replied Zeke.
Suddenly Zeke’s arms started to glow with a golden bright aura and Zeke had also unlocked some shining blue and gold armour. He punched Inais and sent him flying. He broke out the multiverse blow! Rico used his seal and it managed to reach Inais, who warned them: “ZEKE, MARI, RICO, KAI AND KALIFA, I WILL COME BACK AND WHEN I DO YOU’LL BE THE FIRST PEOPLE I MURDER!” And with that, Inais was sealed and his seal fell to the bottom of the multiverse.
Zeke turned to the girl, “Thank you so much. If it wasn’t for you we would have lost. So, thank you. But how do we get back home?”
“Here,” the girl created a portal and everyone thanked her and congratulated one another for defeating Inais. As they entered the portal Zeke asked her, “What’s your name?”
“I don’t know.”
“That’s strange,” replied Zeke
“Go! The portal is going to close,” the girl insisted.
“Ok,” Zeke agreed in a rush as her face disappeared.
Two years later and Zeke is thirteen and so are his friends. He accomplished his goal to be the strongest he can be and he owes it all to his friends. Zeke builds Sesay Kingdom over the two years and his friends live with him there.
Mari meets Zeke and tells him to meet in Damston Village and they all talk about how crazy it was when they were eleven years old.
“Bro, we are two years older than we were. Why are we acting like we aged 59 years?” asked Rico.
“For real, though,” replied Mari and everyone laughed.
The End