How to make a hair doughnut:


  • 1 long sock
  • scissors
  • 2 hands
  • hot glue gun (optional)


First, take the scissors and cut over the ankle of the long sock. Then take the top of the sock and roll it down. If you would like the sock to be more secure use hot glue gun or any other things that you think would make it not unravel or otherwise don’t.

How to make a pillow:


  • fabric
  • thread
  • needle
  • stuffing
  • scissors
  • 1 big/small button


First,cut out two same pieces of fabric. Then, get string and put it through the needle hole and tie a triple knot. Sew both pieces together until there is about 5 cm to 7 cm and tie a knot.After that  add the stuffing and sew the rest up. Finally, if you want to you can sew a big or small or lots of buttons.